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Iceberg Hotel Hôtel 15 à partir de 20 in Borovets



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commentaires pour l`hôtel :

Rating des hôtels:

hotel rating 6 out of 10 6/10 Sur la base de 4 commentaires

Rapport qualité/prix: Rapport qualité/prix: 2.5 Hors de 5Rapport qualité/prix: 2.5 Hors de 5Rapport qualité/prix: 2.5 Hors de 5 | 2.5 Hors de 5
Situation: Situation: 3.0 Hors de 5Situation: 3.0 Hors de 5Situation: 3.0 Hors de 5 | 3.0 Hors de 5
Personnel/service: Personnel/service: 3.2 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 3.2 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 3.2 Hors de 5 | 3.2 Hors de 5
Chambres/hébergement: Chambres/hébergement: 3.5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 3.5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 3.5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 3.5 Hors de 5 | 3.5 Hors de 5
Aliments: Aliments: 1.0 Hors de 5 | 1.0 Hors de 5
Amusement: amusement: 5.0 Hors de 5amusement: 5.0 Hors de 5amusement: 5.0 Hors de 5amusement: 5.0 Hors de 5amusement: 5.0 Hors de 5 | 5.0 Hors de 5

+ Commentaire de
09.02.2014 06:58

Date de séjour: jan 2014
Type de voyageur/s: amis en vacances

Rating des hôtels: <b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 1 Hors de 5 | 1 Hors de 5
Rapport qualité/prix: Rapport qualité/prix: 1 Hors de 5 | 1 Hors de 5
Situation: Situation: 1 Hors de 5 | 1 Hors de 5
Personnel/service: Personnel/service: 2 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 2 Hors de 5 | 2 Hors de 5
Chambres/hébergement: Chambres/hébergement: 2 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 2 Hors de 5 | 2 Hors de 5
Aliments: Aliments: 1 Hors de 5 | 1 Hors de 5
Amusement: amusement: 5 Hors de 5amusement: 5 Hors de 5amusement: 5 Hors de 5amusement: 5 Hors de 5amusement: 5 Hors de 5 | 5 Hors de 5

Iceberg Hotel

Õóäøèé îòåëü ãîäà!!! ×åòâ¸ðòûé ãîä ìû ñ æåíîé è äðóçüÿìè( îò 7 äî 11 ÷åëîâåê) îñòàíàâëèâàëèñü â îòåëå "Àéñáåðã", è â ïîñëåäíèé !!! Ñ ïåðâîãî ðàçà ìû ïîëþáèëè ýòîò îòåëü çà åãî êðàñîòó, ïðèâåòëèâûé ïåðñîíàë, êà÷åñòâî îáñëóæèâàíèÿ íîìåðîâ è âêóñíóþ êóõíþ. Íî ñ êàæäûì ãîäîì âñ¸ ýòî ñòàíîâèëîñü âñ¸ õóæå è õóæå... Îñòàëàñü òîëüêî âíåøíÿÿ êðàñîòà! Ìû îòäûõàëè â "Àéñáåðã"(Áîðîâåö) ñ 20 ïî 28 ÿíâàðÿ 2014 ãðóïïîé èç 11 ÷åëîâåê. Ïðè ïðèåçäå íàì äàëè òîëüêî îäèí íîìåð èç ïÿòè- íà íàøå ñ æåíîé èìÿ, îñòàëüíûå íîìåðà ïîîáåùàëè äàòü ÷åðåç 2 ÷àñà. Êîãäà ìû ñ æåíîé ðàçëîæèëè âåùè è õîòåëè ïîìûòüñÿ ïîñëå ïåðåë¸òà, òî îêàçàëîñü, ÷òî íàøè äðóçüÿ äîëæíû òîæå æèòü â íàøåì íîìåðå(ïëþñ òðîå)... Íà ðåöåïøèí ïåðåïóòàëè âñå íîìåðà è ñêàçàëè, ÷òîáû ìû ñàìè ðåøàëè ñâîè ïðîáëåìû, ìåíÿëèñü íîìåðàìè, ÷èíèëè âåíòèëÿöèþ â òóàëåòàõ(êîòîðàÿ íå ðàáîòàëà íè â îäíîì èç íîìåðîâ), ïåðåíîñèëè êðîâàòè è ïîñòåëüíîå áåëü¸(êîòîðîå íå ìåíÿëîñü çà íåäåëþ íè ðàçó) ñàìè- íà ðàçíûå ýòàæè!!! Âñ¸ ýòî áûëî ñêàçàíî â ãðóáîé ôîðìå è ñ èçäåâàòåëüñêèìè íàñìåøêàìè !!! Òàê êàê ìû îïëàòèëè çàðàíåå çà ñâî¸ ïðîæèâàíèå, òî íàì íè÷åãî íå îñòàâàëîñü, êàê ñìèðèòüñÿ ñ ýòèì õàìñòâîì, íå íà óëèöå æå íàì æèòü... Çà âñþ íåäåëþ íè ðàçó íå ìûëèñü ïîëû â íîìåðå, íå ìûëèñü ðàêîâèíà è óíèòàç!!! Ïîëîòåíöà ìåíÿëèñü òîëüêî îäèí åäèíñòâåííûé ðàç!!! Íà çàâòðàê è óæèí íóæíî áûëî ïðèõîäèòü ñàìûìè ïåðâûìè, òàê êàê åäà , â ïîñëåäñòâèè, ïðàêòè÷åñêè íå ïîïîëíÿëàñü!!!  ïîñëåäíèé äåíü íàñ "âåæëèâî" ïîïðîñèëè îñâîáîäèòü íîìåðà äî 12 ÷àñîâ äíÿ èëè äîïëàòèòü ïî 25 åâðî ñ íîìåðà çà 5 ÷àñîâ( â 17 ÷àñîâ íàñ çàáèðàëè â àýðîïîðò). È ýòî ïðèòîì, ÷òî îòåëü áûë çàïîëíåí ëèøü íà òðåòü âñþ íåäåëþ(çà ýòè 5 ÷àñîâ íèêòî òàê è íå âúåõàë íè â îòåëü íè ,òåì áîëåå, â íàøè íîìåðà). Îòåëü "Àéñáåðã" íåçàñëóæåííî ïðèñâàåâàåò ñåáå 4 çâåçäû!!! Áîëüøàÿ ïðîñüáà--- õîðîøî ïîäóìàòü ïåðåä òåì, êàê âûáèðàòü ýòîò îòåëü äëÿ îòäûõà!!!

+ Commentaire de
29.09.2009 01:16

Date de séjour: sept 2009
Type de voyageur/s: amis en vacances

Rating des hôtels: <b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 4 Hors de 5<b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 4 Hors de 5<b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 4 Hors de 5<b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 4 Hors de 5 | 4 Hors de 5
Rapport qualité/prix: Rapport qualité/prix: 4 Hors de 5Rapport qualité/prix: 4 Hors de 5Rapport qualité/prix: 4 Hors de 5Rapport qualité/prix: 4 Hors de 5 | 4 Hors de 5
Situation: Situation: 4 Hors de 5Situation: 4 Hors de 5Situation: 4 Hors de 5Situation: 4 Hors de 5 | 4 Hors de 5
Personnel/service: Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5 | 5 Hors de 5
Chambres/hébergement: Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5 | 5 Hors de 5

Iceberg Hotel

fair enough for it's price. i guess is perfect for ski as it is so close to the sloaps.
right in the centre of borovets.
overall a good deal

+ Commentaire de
24.05.2009 10:32

Rating des hôtels: <b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 5 Hors de 5<b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 5 Hors de 5<b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 5 Hors de 5<b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 5 Hors de 5<b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 5 Hors de 5 | 5 Hors de 5
Rapport qualité/prix: Rapport qualité/prix: 4 Hors de 5Rapport qualité/prix: 4 Hors de 5Rapport qualité/prix: 4 Hors de 5Rapport qualité/prix: 4 Hors de 5 | 4 Hors de 5
Situation: Situation: 4 Hors de 5Situation: 4 Hors de 5Situation: 4 Hors de 5Situation: 4 Hors de 5 | 4 Hors de 5
Personnel/service: Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5Personnel/service: 5 Hors de 5 | 5 Hors de 5
Chambres/hébergement: Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 5 Hors de 5 | 5 Hors de 5

Iceberg Hotel

Me and me wife were there two times already. First time in January and second in April. We like the most the glass flor in the lobby bar. It is very unusual to drink your coffee and above the pool...and to sit on air :-)

There is a nice and warm pool- I think about 27 degrees Celsium. We had some nice cocktails and had a wonderful time.

As the person before me said that the food was awful- I can only desagree. All our meels were very, very deliscious and nice.

We were staing in a VIP studio with a great ski track view. Everything was perfect. All our needs were satisfied. And the mini bar was alway full :-)

If I should give a mark from 1-10... It will be 8.5 points I think.

+ Commentaire de
03.03.2009 02:35

Rating des hôtels: <b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 2 Hors de 5<b>Rating des hôtels</b>: 2 Hors de 5 | 2 Hors de 5
Rapport qualité/prix: Rapport qualité/prix: 1 Hors de 5 | 1 Hors de 5
Situation: Situation: 3 Hors de 5Situation: 3 Hors de 5Situation: 3 Hors de 5 | 3 Hors de 5
Personnel/service: Personnel/service: 1 Hors de 5 | 1 Hors de 5
Chambres/hébergement: Chambres/hébergement: 2 Hors de 5Chambres/hébergement: 2 Hors de 5 | 2 Hors de 5

Iceberg Hotel

First impressions of Iceberg are that its a nice, relatively luxurious hotel, but first impression rarely give the full picture. The hotel claims 4 stars, but fails badly to live up to its billing. We stayed for a week and found the staff rude to the point of obnoxious, one day the cleaner forgot to give us toilet paper and another she forgot to provide us with towels – not a massive issue you would think. I rang reception on both occasions to ask for them to be provided and was greeted with a huge sigh, and a grumbled “I’ll see what I can do”. Similarly when I asked for one extra pillow between the two of us, I was told that we couldn’t possibly have an extra because we already had one each. In a 4 star hotel you would expect that more than one pillow per person wouldn’t be a problem.
Another issue is that the hotel claims to have a whirlpool bath which is always nice after skiing – the problem is that the “whirlpool bath”, rather than being separate, is in a swimming pool that feels like its been filled with melted snow its that cold – who wants to sit in a freezing cold spa bath? All of these minor quibbles pale in comparison to the disaster that is eating in the Iceberg hotel. The food is disgusting. On our first evening there we assumed that perhaps it was just that our tastes do not match those of the local Bulgarians but throughout the week the repeated sight of Bulgarians eating nothing but toast and cheese for dinner proved that it was just that the food was generally barely edible. Imagine eating and longing for the culinary delights of your school canteen…and then being charged extra for a glass of water to wash the taste away.

Avoid the Iceberg Hotel Borovets like the plague

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