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Church Saint George included in travel tours in Arbanassi


The church St.George in Arbanassi now can accept tourists. The restoration process were completed after 1 million BGN was invested in the building. The refurbishment of the temple was fulfilled with EU funds. It is expected that tourists will arrive for summer tours in Arbanassi archaeological and ethnographic complex. The church will be included in the travel tours since the temple is also a part of the ensemble of churches from the late Middle Ages in the ethnographic reserve Arbanassi.

The project was started in June 2009. The walls of the church were fortified , the murals were restored and now the courtyard is more beautiful and welcoming. It is expected that the church in Arbanassi will become a property of Veliko Turnovo municipality after 1-2 weeks. Thus, the municipality will take care of the conservation and maintenance of these important travel landmarks in the region.