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Hotels in Bulgaria (1067)

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Deals & discounts in Bulgaria (1011)

Bulgarian beach resorts are the cheapest in Europe

Anita Valentinova, source:, 28.05.2011

If you wish to snap up a cheap summer vacation by the sea, you should definitely consider Bulgaria. Bulgaria turns up to be cheaper than Turkey. The German travel union ADAC has recommended Bulgaria as a cheap beach destination. Experts from the travel organization toured 50 resorts in top 10 most visited countries in Europe. They have made a comparison of 34 products which are related to additional expenses which are likely occur during a holiday of 4-member family.

Having in mind all criteria, Bulgarian is considered the holiday destination with the cheapest prices. Beer, ice cream and spaghetti, for example, are cheapest in Bulgaria. Yet, fees for parasols at the beach are slightly higher than those in Croatia.

Cheapest beach vacations in Europe