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Eco tourism attracts Britons in Bulgaria

, 13.12.2011

MIET made a presentation about the opportunities for eco tourism in Bulgaria during a meeting with British journalists in Bulgaria Culture Institute in London. The presentation was also accompanied with a degustation of Bulgaria wines and traditional Bulgarian Christmas dishes and delicacies. The initiative was a part of the project for the promotion of Bulgarian tourism in UK. The marketing expert at MIET said that Bulgaria is popular for its ski tracks and beautiful beaches. Yet, Bulgaria is ranked among the best destinations for ski and beach vacations, but people seem for something emotional and personal experience at that place. Bulgaria is a combination of amazing natural landmarks, modern equipment and, last but not least, friendly atmosphere and hospitality.’’ The presentation provides information for different forms of eco tourism, from tours in the wild nature and national parks, through eco paths and exploration tours of biodiversity, adventure tourism /rafting, mountain climbing, caving etc./ The presentation was particularly interesting for British journalists who are particularly attracted by eco tourism. Representatives of British newspapers and TVs were attracted by the biodiversity of the country. Most of them admitted that the information is surprising for them and they are interested in learning more about Bulgaria as a travel destination with various tourism products.

Bulgaria has oven 320 registered zones for preservation and they cover 1/3 of the area. 114 of them are terrains, inhabited by rare plant species. Bulgaria is a paradise for ornithologists with oven 400 bird species.